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66.000 - Help us Reach another Milestone at our Social Café

As many of you already know, our Social Café is closing its doors on December 9th 2023. This means that we have another seven weeks of coffee and magic here in Deisenhofen. However, before the end of this era, we have big plans.

Social impact with every cup

If you have already visited Bean United Social Café, you probably know our famous Impact Counter which we use to visualize the social impact created with every cup.

A brick wall with a counter displaying the number 43572
Impact Counter

Starting at zero, we have worked our way up to over 40.000 in the past two years, celebrating other milestones along the way - such as 1 Million school meals in Burundi at the beginning of the year.

To clarify: The counter only shows the school meals provided at the coffee shop; all other coffee sales are factored into the overall number of meals enabled through social coffee.

Social coffee makes a real difference

Due to the funds created through our social coffee, children in Burundi go to school and receive a warm meal once a day. These school meals have a twofold positive effect: The children are fed and can develop healthily; also, the school meals program ensures that children actually go to school and receive education - which then provides them with better chances later in life. Through the cooperation of Bean United with the German Welthungerhilfe, the number of children attending school has increased over the past years.

Two boys smiling and holding a plate of food.
School Meal Program

Our impact target before closing the coffee shop

It is part of Bean United's DNA that doing good should be as easy as possible. This goes for both corporate and private customers. For companies working with us, social impact is created simply through ordering Bean United coffee - without any further bureaucracy. The same applies to our friends and customers at our coffee shop: With every cup of coffee, one school meal is provided automatically.

If you have been following our journey for a while, you know that part of our philosophy is to pursue ambitious goals. We believe that dreaming already makes a difference in the realization of these goals. So, until December 9th, we attempt to reach 66.000 school meals at Bean United Social Café.

A poster hanging above a coffee shop with bright colourful letters
Our goal: 66.000 school meals in Burundi

What can you do to support this milestone at our Social Café?

If you already come to our Social Café for your daily dose of caffeine, you are already helping! You are also buying your coffee beans for your home or office here? Even better! And there are even more ways: In pursuit of our goal we have included school meals into each of our merchandise products, such as caps, T-Shirts and cups. For example, a Bean United cap now enables five school meals.

So, let us make the most of the newt few weeks. Not only will you be creating a lot of social impact - you will also have the perfect Christmas present for a coffee lover!

A local newspaper recently reported on our goal. Read article here:

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